In the interest of clarity, I have arbitrarily numbered the enabler/control pairs. In this room, then, is the second control switch. The corresponding enabler, if you haven't found it yet, is directly north of here, between the data integration towers.
I am still unable to establish communications with the Ygn'oml, either here or on the main navigation deck. I hope that you can find a way to reenable my comm grid without killing all in this section, but I understand that one must fight when attacked...
The reactor core is dangerously close to destruction, but the Ygn'oml seem unaware of it. They have sealed off the hull breaches, but most have left the navigation deck, and so cannot respond to the automatic alarm systems. The intruders there do not seem able to interpret our controls.
You will need to finish your task here as quickly as possible, so that I can send you to the navigation deck.
#checkpoint 6
If you haven't already found it, the enabler for this control switch is located here.
#checkpoint 10
There is an oxygen panel here.
#checkpoint 9
There is another oxygen panel two meters west of here.